Evolution Network Ltd.

Urgersbach 4a

2770 Gutenstein


Phone: +43 664 165 34 33


Managing Director: Johannes Schlederer

UID number: ATU76853807

Company register number: 555988f

Commercial register court: Regional Court Wiener Neustadt

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Responsible within the meaning of § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Johannes Schlederer, 2770 Gutenstein, Urgersbach 4a

UID number ATU76853807

Memberships with the Chamber of Commerce: WKO, WKNO, Trade Regulations:

More details see

Supervisory Authority: Mödling District Authority

Trade licenses: Management Consulting including business organization, limited to process and development-oriented consulting, qualified personnel management, marketing, organization/administration
(GISA 33804323)
Trade with the exception of regulated trades
(GISA 33804415)

Insurance brokerage in the form of insurance agent, limited to the insurance classes accident (01), life (19), unit-linked and index-linked life insurance (21)

(GISA number 33804491)

Webdesign & Artwork Coverpages Susanne Stuppacher

Responsible for content and design of the pages Newsletter/Blog/Events Dr.Dominik Panosch 

Video content Niko Mayr

External image sources CC:

@Evolution Network GmbH 2021
